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Monday, June 3, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
There are many emails daily about "quick cures" to lower cholesterol, but the quick cure not only doesn't work quickly but also is only temporary. High cholesterol readings and heavy plaque buildup, causing high blood pressure, took years to accumulate, years in which many did not know the dangers. Today, the knowledge is there, but many continue to ignore it.
In this modern technological world, one cannot feign ignorance of medical conditions, of statistics which prove the gravity of the American condition as it concerns Heart Disease. Americans fascination with Fast Foods, packaged meals, microwave cooking, and lack of beneficial exercise cannot be overlooked as the underlying causes. Yet, even though the public is becoming more aware of the dangers, even though the "fast food joints" are providing healthier meals for sale, the number of deaths per year due to heart disease is not decreasing.
The solution is not found in a "quick fix" attitude, but instead in a proactive position to balance the food consumed daily. The balance wheel shown relates the 3 areas often forgotten...fruits, nuts, vegetables, and whole grains. Balancing a diet to insure that at least some of the 3 are eaten daily will start reducing high cholesterol naturally, but over time.

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In this modern technological world, one cannot feign ignorance of medical conditions, of statistics which prove the gravity of the American condition as it concerns Heart Disease. Americans fascination with Fast Foods, packaged meals, microwave cooking, and lack of beneficial exercise cannot be overlooked as the underlying causes. Yet, even though the public is becoming more aware of the dangers, even though the "fast food joints" are providing healthier meals for sale, the number of deaths per year due to heart disease is not decreasing.
The solution is not found in a "quick fix" attitude, but instead in a proactive position to balance the food consumed daily. The balance wheel shown relates the 3 areas often forgotten...fruits, nuts, vegetables, and whole grains. Balancing a diet to insure that at least some of the 3 are eaten daily will start reducing high cholesterol naturally, but over time.
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Monday, January 7, 2013
Curative Properties of Tea
A simple herb, but one that is consumed globally. Yet, Americans prefer their coffee, the high caffeine energy drinks, and sodas. In searching through herbal cures for high blood pressure and high cholesterol, I remembered the many Asian cultures where stress and high blood pressure are not so common as in the US. Just about everywhere is Asia is some custom or ceremony for the consumption of an herbal tea.
Research is extensive on the magical properties of tea, herbal or not, hot or cold, proving that it relaxes anxiety, aids in reducing cholesterol, and benefit the body with its antioxidant properties. Its not promoted as much as fruits and vegetables, not hailed as a miracle cure, but drinking tea in any of your favorite styles and blends will start healing processes.
Many studies have been undertaken and the results are sobering: from lowering blood pressure, reducing "bad" (LDL) cholesterol in combination with a low fat diet, boosting immunity, strengthening bones, and possibly reducing the possibility of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
Read more on this at: stress/natural-remedies/the-healing-power-of-tea/
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
According to the prestigious Mayo Clinic, there are three important changes or "tweaks" to an everyday diet that someone concerned with High Cholesterol should make: 1) Eat Oatmeal, Oat Bran or Fiber rich foods daily, 2) Fish and Omega - 3 fatty acids should be added in place of animal fats and fiber, and 3) Stock up on healthy fruits and vegetables. They also recommend daily exercise and stop smoking. While many will be able to change their daily diet, they will find the last two not as easy.
There are many programs online to help one stop smoking, but exercising is something which must be planned by each individual based on their physical abilities.
Exercising to help reduce cholesterol doesn't involve body building, weight lifting, jogging, or any other high exertion activities. It can be as simple ass a brisk walk every night after dinner instead of sitting in front of the television. The walk doesn't even need to be a long one....ONE MILE per night with all the other changes will dramatically reduce your cholesterol numbers. So.....why not avoid the couch after dinner and see what your neighbors are doing? Not only will you be getting healthier, but you will increase your social presence.
Exercising to help reduce cholesterol doesn't involve body building, weight lifting, jogging, or any other high exertion activities. It can be as simple ass a brisk walk every night after dinner instead of sitting in front of the television. The walk doesn't even need to be a long one....ONE MILE per night with all the other changes will dramatically reduce your cholesterol numbers. So.....why not avoid the couch after dinner and see what your neighbors are doing? Not only will you be getting healthier, but you will increase your social presence.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
And the EGG Or NO EGG War Rages Onward!
Seems like the debate and battle over consumption of egg yolks and their high dietary cholesterol level isn't limited to USA alone, as the esteemed Canadian Journal of Cardiology has joined the battle in a special report by University of Western Ontario stroke prevention expert David Spence . According to an article in the Vancouver Sun, they accused " the media and even the Heart and Stroke Foundation of having been hoodwinked by egg marketers' propaganda. That led University of Surrey nutritionist Bruce Griffin, the author of the one of the impugned studies, to fire back, telling the British newspaper The Farmers' Weekly that Spence's article was "emotive" and "unbalanced." Griffin also condemned as "absurd" and "professionally irresponsible" Spence and his co-authors favourably comparing the cholesterol in a giant bacon cheeseburger to that found in a single egg". The trouble with this battle is that there hasn't been enough research that clearly shows the effects of both dietary cholesterol intake and saturated or trans fats on blood cholesterol levels. While some has been done, and the results of each testing seem to support each hypothesis, taking only one element (dietary cholesterol) and comparing several foods seems to be an unfair and incomplete comparison. The egg yolk, while high in cholesterol, has less than 2 grams of saturated fat, and the bacon cheeseburger, lower in cholesterol, has 45 grams of saturated fat. According to the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation , these fats "are mostly responsible for increases in blood cholesterol levels." And the battle wages on! So, what is the public, in any country, supposed to believe and do? The best course for anyone who is at risk for heart disease and high cholesterol – start by eating in moderation, eat those foods which are low in BOTH dietary cholesterol AND saturated fats. Adding natural supplements and foods proven to control cholesterol levels is another preventative to consider. To date, the war has expanded to the point where the experts are questioning whether high cholesterol or low cholesterol levels will cause heart disease, whether dietary cholesterol will raise blood cholesterol levels, and finally, the effects of both HDL (high density lipoproteins) and LDL (low density lipoproteins) in the blood stream. Researchers will always battle where the conclusions of their trials and tests differ from others, but the public doesn't need to be a part of it. Here, common sense and a more natural lifestyle of moderation in all things should prevail.
Check out also my blogs at:
Natures Own Curing Power
Natural Remedies Forever
and squidoo at:
Dangers Of High Cholesterol
Check out also my blogs at:
Natures Own Curing Power
Natural Remedies Forever
and squidoo at:
Dangers Of High Cholesterol
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Are Statin Drugs The New Wonder Drug? Really?
According to Cindy Mae, contributing writer for Yahoo Network,"The most common side effect of taking this type of medication is called rhabdomyolysis which is weakness and pain in the muscles. Polyneuropathy is also a side effect that causes weakness, tingling, and pain in the hands and feet along with difficulty walking. Heart Failure is one of the most dangerous and life threatening side effects. Dizziness is also a known side effect.
There are also several side effects that are believed to be linked to cholesterol medications but it is not proven at this time. Cognitive Impairment is one of the believed side effects which is the deficiency in the ability to think, perceive, reason or remember. In every single study that has been performed on rodents given the cholesterol medications, cancer has appeared. Pancreatic Rot and Depression have also been linked to this type of medication."
While many articles and studies are touting this pharmaceutical as prominently beneficial, even desiring that manufacturers make the dosages stronger than they currently are, little is written about these damaging side effects. Therefore, many are forced to accept this as their method of treatment WITHOUT KNOWING what is happening inside the body.
Equally silent are many knowledgeable individuals whose expertise falls within the homeopathic and naturopathic fields..the world of plants, minerals, vitamins....of natural curative powers of nature. I cannot feel that everything is being done for people globally about the dangers of high cholesterol when writers point out the basic dangers and causes and continue to rehash the same material within a small area of the multitude of cures available in alternative medicine.
Therefore, over the next few weeks, I will be discussing the different herbs, vitamins, minerals, and alternative methods, as well as their side effects, which one can use to make healthy changes to lower cholesterol levels. Certainly one method or formulation will work for anyone.
Check out also my blog and website at:
and squidoo at:
There are also several side effects that are believed to be linked to cholesterol medications but it is not proven at this time. Cognitive Impairment is one of the believed side effects which is the deficiency in the ability to think, perceive, reason or remember. In every single study that has been performed on rodents given the cholesterol medications, cancer has appeared. Pancreatic Rot and Depression have also been linked to this type of medication."
While many articles and studies are touting this pharmaceutical as prominently beneficial, even desiring that manufacturers make the dosages stronger than they currently are, little is written about these damaging side effects. Therefore, many are forced to accept this as their method of treatment WITHOUT KNOWING what is happening inside the body.
Equally silent are many knowledgeable individuals whose expertise falls within the homeopathic and naturopathic fields..the world of plants, minerals, vitamins....of natural curative powers of nature. I cannot feel that everything is being done for people globally about the dangers of high cholesterol when writers point out the basic dangers and causes and continue to rehash the same material within a small area of the multitude of cures available in alternative medicine.
Therefore, over the next few weeks, I will be discussing the different herbs, vitamins, minerals, and alternative methods, as well as their side effects, which one can use to make healthy changes to lower cholesterol levels. Certainly one method or formulation will work for anyone.
Check out also my blog and website at:
and squidoo at:
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Soy: The Upside and Downside Of Soy Products
The debate over the potential benefits and dangers of eating soy is ongoing and often heated. Is soy good for you or should you avoid it? If you do eat soy, how much is OK to eat? There is research to support both sides of the issue....
The downsides of soy are important to note, although these disadvantages do not apply to fermented soy foods, as fermentation seems to destroy the toxins in soybeans....
Another issue regarding American soy consumption is attitude. "Soy" has become a buzz word in the food industry, where it is becoming more of a brand than a food. Manufacturers promote soy protein bars, kids' cereals with added soy, and soy protein mixes targeted for athletes as being "healthy." But just because a product contains soy does not automatically mean it is good for you as the soy branding is often a smokescreen for an otherwise unhealthy product containing sugars, additives, artificial flavors and other ingredients of questionable health.
Not all soy products are created equal. Like 99 cent tacos, you get what you pay for. Manufacturers make it cheap, throw on a brand like "soy" and sell it as hard as they can. It doesn't matter whether it is good for you or not. To me, soy is like the professional athlete that signs an unlimited use licensing agreement for his/her name and suddenly finds their image on the side of a cigarette box.
Consumers need to read nutritional and ingredient labels and not be swayed by marketing buzz words that grab your attention in the supermarket and have been taken over by the industrial food companies.
Craig Cooper, Huffington Post, Nov 4, 2010
Check out also my blogs at:
Natures Own Curing Power
Natural Remedies Forever
and squidoo at:
Dangers Of High Cholesterol
The downsides of soy are important to note, although these disadvantages do not apply to fermented soy foods, as fermentation seems to destroy the toxins in soybeans....
Another issue regarding American soy consumption is attitude. "Soy" has become a buzz word in the food industry, where it is becoming more of a brand than a food. Manufacturers promote soy protein bars, kids' cereals with added soy, and soy protein mixes targeted for athletes as being "healthy." But just because a product contains soy does not automatically mean it is good for you as the soy branding is often a smokescreen for an otherwise unhealthy product containing sugars, additives, artificial flavors and other ingredients of questionable health.
Not all soy products are created equal. Like 99 cent tacos, you get what you pay for. Manufacturers make it cheap, throw on a brand like "soy" and sell it as hard as they can. It doesn't matter whether it is good for you or not. To me, soy is like the professional athlete that signs an unlimited use licensing agreement for his/her name and suddenly finds their image on the side of a cigarette box.
Consumers need to read nutritional and ingredient labels and not be swayed by marketing buzz words that grab your attention in the supermarket and have been taken over by the industrial food companies.
Craig Cooper, Huffington Post, Nov 4, 2010
Check out also my blogs at:
Natures Own Curing Power
Natural Remedies Forever
and squidoo at:
Dangers Of High Cholesterol
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